Should You Invest In a Seasonal Package Design?

Photo credit: New Belgium Brewing Company
As more people do their shopping on big marketplace sites like Amazon or through Facebook, brands are finding it more difficult to stand out and be memorable. One method companies are turning to is branded seasonal packaging. It can create a memorable experience for consumers and persuade them to identify with your brand.
However, seasonal packaging can be expensive and have unexpected consequences. Take, for example, the Starbucks #cupgate2015 affair. The company introduced a plain red cup for its seasonal design and was criticized for being anti-Christmas. Remember when Coke introduced a white and silver holiday design but people confused it with Diet Coke?
Holiday packaging can also be extremely effective. Consider seasonal designs from brands such as New Belgium Brewing Company and Spoetzl Brewery’s seasonal Shiner Beer packages. Seasonal brews account for 20% of all craft beer sales. The trick with seasonal package designs is to do them right. Here are a few suggestions to make your seasonal packaging more effective.
- Make your brand memorable by adding a gift such as a coaster or postcard. It can be ideal to use this technique to allow customers to see and try another product you offer.
- Align with a cause to appeal to socially conscious buyers. Consider Procter & Gamble’s promotion of its Dawn dishwashing liquid as rescuing wildlife from oil spills.
- Because this is a temporary edition of your design, you can be more creative and allow for a small-scale refresh of your look.
Other things to consider:
- The time span of your design’s relevance. Does it have an expiration date? A holiday design has a very limited time span, whereas a seasonal one has better longevity. Hershey discovered this with its short-lived Halloween packaging; its autumn leaves theme has a much longer shelf life.
- Know your market. Sixty-five percent of consumers think candy should reflect the holiday.
- Premium packaging is most important for lifestyle brands, such as those that sell luxury goods and consumer electronics.
Is premium packaging worth the expense for your brand? Do the research and take the above tips to heart. If you need help with your seasonal packaging design, contact the experts at CTI for advice.
[cta]Interested in seasonal packaging for your products? Talk to CTI. We can help you design the most cost-effective, holiday-inspired package for your needs. Contact us online, by email, or by phone at 847-968-4855.[/cta]